Monday, March 28, 2011

Position is everything in life

This is not a great shot, but she's such a pain! She won't listen to me at all when I want to take her picture. Or really ever, I guess. I try not to worry that she is in her own world, that she still won't say a word and that she rocks so crazily in her high chair but sometimes it's not that easy. What the hell, Veronica? I want to say. What's up with the silence? She is so sweet and funny and so smart - her speech therapist was saying last week that her receptive language is more like the receptive language of a 2.5 year old. She can follow like four-step directions. She points at everything, she's fine, I'm sure. She is also going to be two in a little more than a month and still - BUPKUS - no words whatsoever. I wish she had some. I wish I could see the future. I don't know why this is so much to ask!

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