Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Red Cheeks

With Mike's mom, the day after Christmas. Poor Veevsy, I don't think she feels good here lately. I don't know if it's teeth or what. She has been up yelling pretty much once a night and this morning, I came downstairs and took her in the bathroom with me. She has been having some horrible freakouts when I walk away so I figured I'd take her with me. She was eating an apple and she started to cough and I thought 'uh oh' and next thing I knew she was throwing up all over us, while I was peeing! Nasty! She seems fine since, I just wish I knew what her deal was. The First Steps people came today for the intake, now we wait a few days for them to have a therapist call to schedule the evaluation. Ugh. I hate starting all this, I am nervous all the time about it.

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1 comment:

Lisa said...

It might just be teeth, I mean, like you always say, she's got some BIG teeth! LOL. My kids always had red cheeks when teething, sometimes just one, sometimes both. It effects the sleeping and the bathroom!