Veronica was on her own for speech therapy for the first time this week and it went very, VERY well. She made all kinds of new sounds, signs, and words. I feel like a giant jerk for not switching it up before and getting rid of Maria but I didn't, so we'll just start now. I figure Maria can continue to go to my parent's house during speech for the rest of the summer and then maybe if she still can't keep her nose out of it in the fall, I'll change Veronica's therapy to when Maria is in preschool.
She starts at her summer camp on Tuesday. Oh, I hope it goes well and I hope that she has a great six weeks. I hope she understands and has fun and learns to talk a little bit. A lot of people have commented to me that their brother or sister or kid who was later in the family didn't talk for a while and I'm hoping that's it.
She has started to get CRAZY about going to sleep. Maria is so great about it and Veronica is like the worst sleeper ever. Last night, I was telling them a story and Veronica was DEMANDING to take her pajamas off, then her diaper and then she wanted to get dressed! Like, for the day! Loon! I put her in a nightgown, thinking it would appease her but she was yelling so much I couldn't even tell my damned story to Maria so I chucked her into her crib. After I put Maria to bed, I went in and she pointed miserably toward the door. I said, no, it's time to go to sleep and I held her for a while. She calmed down and then mournfully pointed toward the crib and I put her down and she went to sleep. I am hoping, of course, that this is a VERY short phase.
1 comment:
Oh that is an adorable picture. I love your blogs you write so well, very real! I hope this summer is the break through for veronica's speech so she can communicate better to you! Will u start another blog for the new baby?
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