I have taken an involuntary break from taking pictures, as our house was broken into and the rat bastards stole my camera! I am going to replace it soon, I just have to make a list of all the jewelry that was in my armoire. They stole everything out of it, including my wedding ring, and I am supposed to tell the insurance company what was in it, like dollar amounts, which is going to be really difficult, but I want to get it done, since they won't send us any money until I do this hard assignment. This is what makes me mad about the insurance company, and I'm sure my brother would disagree, but I think they suck. I've already been robbed, now I have to prove and prove and prove and prove what they took, and, like with the camera - I have to get the DEPRECIATED value on it and then buy it and THEN they will give me as much money as it costs to replace it. Whatever, sweater, I'm doing it but I have NEVER made a claim on my homeowner's insurance and I have been paying it for like 15 years or whatever the hell so guess what? They are STILL COMING OUT AHEAD. I don't feel sorry for them whatsoever! I am not a person who would commit insurance fraud, so I am punished because the insurance company has to deal with people who are. Whatever, thieves. Thieves broke in and thieves run the insurance companies, too. In my opinion.
ANYWAY. Back to Veronica. I took her to the Y today, her and Maria, so they could stay in the childcare and it went very badly. The girl said Veronica was fine, when she came and got me 20 minutes in. She said it was Maria that was the problem, but by the time I got there, Veronica was crying too. Ugh. She still has only four teeth, but she went to the doctor today for her one year checkup and he said she's looking good. She's almost 19 pounds (10th percentile, who IS this baby?) and we don't remember how long she was but it was in the 25th percentile. He said she's fine. She's been sleeping fine and she's a good eater. She is only nursing once a day, and that will stop, I suppose, when I leave town next weekend. I am nervous about it, I am going to miss nursing her and I never thought I would say that in ONE MILLION years! I'll tell you what, I was kind of EXCITED in the hospital a year ago when I thought she wasn't going to be able to nurse. And now, look at me, all crazy about it. It's probably my advanced age. :)
She loves to go up the stairs, she says "mama" and "dada" and *sort of* says hi. Today she went and *got her shoes* and *tried to put them on*. Genius! :) I wish she pointed more, but I am just a nervous person about milestones, I guess. She's fine, I think. She's superfine!
4 weeks ago
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