Friday, December 25, 2009

First Christmas - 32 Weeks

Veronica had a good day, napped well, was good at my mom and dad's. But she went to sleep badly and cried for quite a while and now she is screaming away at not even 10:00, so not a great ending. I really wish it were different, I don't know what else I can do. I haven't had caffeine in over a month, I try to get her to nap well, I try to feed her even though she won't eat anything on a spoon. I'm really at a loss as to why these kids have such a hard time going to sleep. I suppose if it's still this bad when she's 9 months old, I'll have to ask her doctor. I know he'll just tell me to let her cry but seriously, she has been crying for MONTHS now. Anyway. First Christmas. Crying. :)
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Colleen said...

Maybe, because she's so reluctant to eat food from a spoon, she's waking up hungry? I know it's not for everyone, but would you try cereal in a bottle? Just an idea. Good luck whatever you do. Not sleeping can be a misery!

Lisa said...

.....some kids are just like this! Hang in there it will get better one day!