In answer to Stephanie's question, she is 4.5 months and I've had her in this for a week or two. But she is tougher than the other two. Even Anthony was like 5 months old, and then I had to put a blanket in there with him. She has been very upright, almost from the beginning. She is getting too big for that damned bassinet we have her in, we are going to try to get the portable crib set up this weekend in her closet. Then soon, someone is going to get better at sleeping and someone can share a room with her. I don't know who.
4 weeks ago
We too are trying to put kids together- ah... we are going to do the big boy bed thing at the same time too. it takes me like 30 minutes to get beau to even be in his crib without freaking out so we shall see. i am dreading it but i like the idea of no on around me ;)
I was going to ask when you started her in the exersaucer. I had been assuming that would be a long way off. Maybe we will try it soon.
Dave just went out and had to get Ted one today. Ted loves standing but his parents can't hold him up all the live long day. His poor feet don't touch the platform, though. His lack of size also means we put a blanket with him to help stabilize. He seems to like it so far. He'll love it once he can actually go up and down in it. He fits better in this than the johnny jump up; his arms are actually above the top of the seat. heh
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