Veronica's speech therapist wrote on her note last week that "Veronica is having a language explosion!", which is incredibly exciting to me. Poor Veronica, I feel like a lot of the things I waited for with Anthony at first are coming true with her. "Language explosion!" is something you hear about a lot with speech therapy, or at least I do, and let's face it - I may never get one from Anthony, not in the way I *thought* I would. The way I thought it would go, at the beginning, is the way it is actually going with Veronica, and even THAT feels like a long time. Veronica's speech therapist also said "jeez, if she keeps going this way, I won't even be seeing her much longer". THAT sort of killed me, too, because it has been such a great experience. She really loves Veronica and Veronica loves her and it's nice to be in a room where everyone is succeeding, even if I'm not directly involved, ha!
She is doing so well in school, I just love it - some of the kids in her class are maybe a little weepier or needier and I just told Mike tonight, because of that, I never get to talk to her teachers, but I am FINE with that. This morning I took her in and her teacher, Judy said "Veronica!" and Veronica jumped out of my arms and into hers and never looked back. Then when I went to get her, she was all warm and sweet from a nap and she was super excited to see me and that was cute, too. She is really getting to be her own person and I love it.
We went for a walk tonight and my sweet LORD she is slow! But we had a good time, we made it all the way around the block with no stroller and I just had to carry her a little. She and Maria held hands quite a bit of the way, which is nice. If she and Maria could have a relationship with each other like I have with my sister, it would be great for them - beyond great, it would be the best gift ever. It would make it worth it that they are so close in age and that they fight a lot and can be super noisy and crazy. And who wouldn't want MARIA as a sister? I never have to worry about anyone giving Veevsy Voo any guff, anyway. There's that!
6 years ago