Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 6 of Lent

Veronica is so, so sleepy in the mornings and she is also, if it's possible, EXTRA sensitive.  This morning I carried her into my room, where they get dressed because Felicity is (sometimes) still sleeping in their room, and laid her on my bed, where Maria was sitting.  Maria got her feelings hurt because Veronica "hit her with her knee right in the FACE!", which was just not true.  Veronica may have grazed Maria's face while she was sleepily rolling over but I was RIGHT THERE and that's it!  So I was kidding and I said oh yes, she hit me with her face and then she got a baseball bat and hit me in the head!  And then she laughed at my pain!  Mike and I were joking and even Maria got a little bit of a smile and then I looked at poor old Veevsy Voo and her bottom lip was quivering away. I had to apologize and hug her twelve times before we could move on.

She is sensitive but not to the point where it causes her problems.  When she was littler, I worried that it would, like, impede her progress in life, but now I really think she  is okay.  I hope I am not messing her up by recognizing that she is so sensitive, but I just can't tell her to toughen up, not yet.  She still seems really little, to me.

Another good thing about Veronica is that her hair is just getting ridiculously gorgeous.  It's getting thick, even!  It gives me great hope for Felicity, ha!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 2 of Lent

One of the things that I am doing for Lent in a not-giving-stuff-UP kind of way is to think and speak about my children in a nicer way.  Lord knows I can complain about them enough, so I am bringing back the What's So Great About InsertChildsNameHere for Lent.

What's So Great About Veronica?

  • I love her name so much, and she is just a perfect little Veronica.  I love the way she says it and despite the fact that sometimes people call her Victoria, it's still exactly right.  Even Felicity, who calls Maria Ramira and Anthony Ankony says it exactly right.  
  • She is doing really well in school!  She is learning to read and is so cute about it.  Does that say "Junie B. Jones is in the first grade"?, she'll ask, all slyly and adorably.  
  • She gets what she wants even though she is not the loudest of our kids.  Maria has a friend who just likes to play with one friend at a time and Veronica loves this girl.  If Veronica even gets a WHIFF of Maria going to play with her, that old slow moving individual gets dressed in a FLASH, and hooks herself right to Maria, forcing her to take her.  
  • She is so sweet and cuddly.  She is a real lover, and has been like that her whole little life.  
  • Her hair, once so sparse and ... well, not there, has really come in nicely.  It gives me hope for Felicity's hair, ha!
  • She's so funny.  Last night she and Felicity were playing pretend and she told me that Felicity was the webel (rebel), she nevah did what her parentses said to do, but Veronica was the wulah (ruler), she always did exactly what she was supposed to do. 
  • This isn't great, but she is sick today, poor thing and she is an excellent patient.  She woke up throwing up, but the other five times she's thrown up, she's been super neat about it.  As the person who would have to clean it up otherwise, I think it's the best thing about her, today!