1. Last night, after her bath, Veronica found a brown marker and drew stripes all over herself. She was a tiger, she said. Maria immediately copied her, which was a pain because I had JUST CLEANED BOTH OF THEM, but it was nice because it's rare that Veronica instigates something.
2. Veronica will be four in three weeks! She wants a Tinkerbell bicycle. I have to find one for her. We are not having a big party, just cake and stuff with our family. I want to try and stick to just big parties for 5, 10 and 15. We'll see.
3. This morning, Veronica is demanding ice cream and so far I'm winning. For a sweet girl, she can be a real jerk about some things. I told her you can't have ice cream at 10:30 in the morning! Can I have it for dessert? For after dinner?, she asked and I said maybe. So I said how about some cereal and she said yes. I set her up with cereal and milk and a bowl and spoon and she ate and then she said I'm ready for dessert, mama, and she was FURIOUS when I said no. Sheesh.
4. Okay, now it's Saturday but I am going to press on. Yesterday, my friend Jill came over and I helped her with her resume, then she stayed here with V and F while I took M to the store for a birthday present and then dropped her at a birthday party, then I got lunch for Jill and me and then we ate said lunch and we had to go BACK to get Maria at the party and then we came back here and played outside for a while and then I had to get ready and go to work. So. Anyways it's Saturday. Veronica is good with Jill, or with any babysitters. She is not strange at all with her teachers or anything. That is a far cry from how she was when I used to drop her at the Childwatch at the Y, and I'm grateful for it.
5. She is getting kind of funny. She has a good sense of humor for a three/four year old, which is to say that it's not really ACTUALLY funny, but she definitely gets the idea of it. She loves to make people laugh, it's cute. She and Maria have been going to Anthony's school on Monday and being peer role models and while Maria is like a behaviorist or something, Veronica is just happy to be there and be playing with the kids and have her hair done. There was an intern there named Courtney who just LOVED Veronica and Veronica loved her, and Courtney's last day was Friday so they had a big goodbye this week. Yesterday I had Maria and Veronica sign a thank you note and Maria wrote her name and Veronica's name but then Veronica wanted to write her own name. She carefully wrote a V and then and E and R and then she said "I'm done". Ha! Keep them wanting more, I told her.
4 weeks ago