Thursday, June 7, 2012

Party Girl

She really isn't much of a party girl.  We went to Charlie's birthday party a few weeks ago and we went on a playdate to a park last weekend and both times, she kind of hangs by herself.

Veronica's been doing well, I'd say. She is completely toilet trained, she is getting a little bit better in church, and she never shuts up.  Sometimes I still get a little teary when she is yammering away at me.  I was so worried, for a while, and now she is just perfectly right for her age.  She is still a little hard to understand, but I'll take it.  Maria is a great interpreter, in fact they are really thick as thieves lately.  They're mostly very sweet together but it is all Veronica, really.  She is a Great Compromiser.
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Stephanie said...

Awww that's sweet that she is a compromiser:) and I am impressed with the potty training. Maggie has the pee down no problem...the poop is another story. I can't decide what's worse...diapers or shitty underwear? Hmmm I love your blogs!

Anonymous said...

your kids are toooo cute!!! Much love~ ALY