Sunday, October 24, 2010


She's super cute, right? What will we do in the new house, I wonder? Should I keep the girls sharing a room and just set up a crib for Veronica in the fourth bedroom? They are used to each other, mostly. Veronica likes to shout a little bit before she goes to sleep and that makes Maria crazy, but it only happens every third night or so and they usually quiet down after a few minutes. My guess is that we'll keep them together for a while.

Still not much talking from V. She is very engaged and pointy and babbly, so I'm not worried but it would be nice if she would just start to talk so I could stop not worrying about it.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010


Poor Veevsy Voovsy has a rash, she can't nap because of it, so we had a mid-day bath. She is too big for that sink and made a mess!
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Sunday, October 10, 2010


She's been having some trouble sleeping, both going to sleep and staying asleep. I am hopeful this means she is getting ready to talk more, it's as good a theory as any, I suppose.
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I am always letting Anthony ride on my back like this, sometimes I do pushups with him on my back, because he likes the feeling of going up and down like that. Of course, the girls don't care about any therapeutic reason for it, they just think it's a good time. Because we haven't had any rain in six months or whatever the hell, our backyard is just like cement. So that is a fake smile, is what I am saying.
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Friday, October 8, 2010

On the chair on the table

I had the chair on the table, so I could clean it off and then do the floors. She is a nut with the climbing, but I look back at Maria and Anthony's blogs and they were the same way, so I guess it just seems worse, the older I get. I must put her down off of something 20 times a day. I am looking forward to this stage being over. It's already better, because she does seem to know that she's up there and won't just walk off, like she would have a few months ago. But still. It's alarming.
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Monday, October 4, 2010

Busy and Happy

We have fun while Maria is in school. Two weeks ago we went for walks, last week we laid low because I was sick and today we went shopping. She was grumpy today because they both woke up early but she's napping now.

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