She's super cute, right? What will we do in the new house, I wonder? Should I keep the girls sharing a room and just set up a crib for Veronica in the fourth bedroom? They are used to each other, mostly. Veronica likes to shout a little bit before she goes to sleep and that makes Maria crazy, but it only happens every third night or so and they usually quiet down after a few minutes. My guess is that we'll keep them together for a while.
Still not much talking from V. She is very engaged and pointy and babbly, so I'm not worried but it would be nice if she would just start to talk so I could stop not worrying about it.
Ted doesn't talk too much. We get a couple words out of him but most of it is whines, babbles, shouts and pointing. I have a feeling once he starts to use his words, I'm going to wish back to these days.
Ellie wasn't saying anything until about 5 days ago. Now she says go, night night, shoes, ball, and kitty. I have no idea what happened. So I wouldn't worry too much.
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