Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh, Veevsy

She really knows how to have a good time.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ahoy, Veronica!

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She loves these Snackwells cookies, and she's the only one that likes them so no one ever bugs her for them, which I bet she also loves. She has some BAD excema, at least that's what I assume it is. Horrible patches of red bumps, almost like blisters but dry. We are taking her for her 18 month appointment next week and I'll ask about it then.

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Monday, November 8, 2010


She had fun, too, even though she still has the pen!
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Serious Swinging

Doesn't she look serious? Especially with that pen? Like some accountant, swinging, or something.

I was telling my Mom today, Veronica is getting VERY ... um....I don't want to say it's bad but she is really coming into her own, as far as making her wants and needs known. Up to this point, she has been pretty sweet and calm, but she is SICK of a certain SISTER of hers taking every DAMNED thing, if you know what I mean. And I think that you do.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Seriously, this is like .2 seconds

My mom asked what was she so mad about and I said I don't know, I don't even remember. She rarely gets mad, but I guess when she does it's fast forgotten. Lately she has been a BEAR to put down for a nap and for bed. She is in for the shock of her young life when she gets her own room and I start just LEAVING her in there to cry. Ha ha! Not really, I am not laughing because I think it's funny, but it's more of a victory cry. I think she's only crying because we have been rushing in there to make her STOP crying because she wakes up Maria, and once she has her own room and can settle herself down, I think it will be better. Eventually, we will probably move she and Maria into the same room again but for now I'll be glad when they can have their own space for sleeping.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Maybe Next Year

Veronica didn't go trick or treating this year, she was up allll night on Saturday.  I got home at 11:00 and I was having some trouble sleeping around 11:45, but I was determined to stay in bed so I could get some rest in case the kids were up early.  Right then is when Veronica woke up and she was up until 4:45.  She was pretty miserable during the day, so we figured maybe teeth?  She seems fine today, who knows.  Anyways, she wanted to put on Maria's costume after she got home, so I put it on her.  She is funny, I put on the body part and she handed me the hat - "Meh!  Meh!" she said, accusingly, so I put it on her.  Ha!