Jeez, July and November I'm posting, not great! Veronica is doing great. She is doing very, VERY well in school, she gets pulled out for reading and math, she reads like Evelyn Wood. Is it Evelyn Wood? Who advertised the speed reading late at night? Anyway, she is super smart. She has friends in school, she is no trouble. Well, she is a little trouble, ha! She is tired so often, she can be a little weepy and sad for no apparent reason, I worry about her. But mostly, she is fine.
She is making her first confession in a few weeks and then she will make her first communion in the spring. She does not like to go to church and then when she does, she wants to drape herself all over me. Oy, it's a lot! I am trying to break it up a little, maybe take her with just me on a Saturday night, let Mike take Maria and Felicity on Sunday morning. Everything is easier when I am not working so much.
She is taking Tae Kwon Do two afternoons a week and next month she'll try to get her yellow belt, so that's exciting! She and Maria went to a clinic at the gymnastics place near us and she liked it but she doesn't love to exercise. I mean, who does? But it seems like she should have more energy.
Anyway, all is well, she is as sweet as ever. Here are some pictures!
4 weeks ago