I know I never update, but there is nothing to say! It's cold out and it's been cold out forever and we are sick of it!
Today is Wednesday so we are going to ballet. Veronica recently moved up to Intermediate Ballet, and she is in a class with only four other girls. Sometimes people don't make it and it's just her and ONE other girl. She is doing really well, although she is not the most serious ballerina I've ever seen. Is anyone, at four? Maybe but not Veronica.
She wants to leave early at preschool. There are kids there who do a 'short day', which is from 8:00-12:30 and Veronica goes all day, which is until 3:00 and which includes Quiet Time, which used to be a nap but after the new year has turned into actual quiet time, during which they can read or play quietly. Veronica is not too into it, but as I was discussing the other day with some friends who also have four year olds, I think she is just being contrary. Yesterday I picked them up and she said she had a GREAT day! I think if she is a little bit tired and can appreciate the quiet time, she likes it but if she doesn't want to relax and be quiet, then she hates it and hates school and doesn't want to go anymore. And, to quote a popular phrase, ain't nobody got time for that. Just because SHE is four years old doesn't mean that I am four years old. I figure it's my job to reassure her that even though sometimes days don't go exactly like you like, you have to keep going because it might get better. Also we have paid for full days and that is what she is doing, ha!
She's kind of weird - she won't go to the movies until she is ten, because they are too loud, she won't get her haircut until she is grown up because it hurts, if she is itchy she licks her hands and then scratches, I mean really. Weird, right? I am letting her let her freak flag fly for the most part, but I told her that she is going to have to cut that licking stuff out once other people start to see it. It looks unsanitary, I told her.
She doesn't like to eat before school, but apparently she gets really hungry around 9:30. I know that because she bugs me and bugs me so that I have to feed her every five minutes around then. We are getting to the point where she is ready to do something all day, every day, but she's not in Kindergarten yet, so I have to keep her entertained and mollified all the other days. It's hard because Felicity is here too and I don't really WANT to look into Veronica's eyes all day and repeat every word she says back to me, I mean, who would? I told my sister the other week, Veronica 'played' Old McDonald on the TAMBOURINE and I had to listen, rapt, to every note. And ps, it DID NOT sound like ANYTHING!
I know. I know I will miss these days. But not yet, right now it all makes me dread the summer.
4 weeks ago