Veronica says a lot of words funkily, because of the L thing. I forget where I was with her the other day, but the adult I was with said "so ... R is L?" and I said yes, R is L and Y is L and sometimes W is L! But one thing Veronica won't tolerate is YOU saying anything the way she does. Two words that she says really adorably are school and beautiful. She says things are beautiful all the time but it sounds like bluetiflu. It is a nice sound, really, it's too bad it's not a word. Bluetiflu. When she says school is sounds like skewool. She says school a lot too, because we talk about it a lot when we talk about their schedule and we are ALWAYS talking about our schedule with Maria around.
Anyway, tonight I was lying in bed with Veronica right after I put the baby to bed. Normally I don't go in and I never lie down but I felt bad for her because Maria was being a jerk and not letting Veronica get into bed with her. "I need my rest because I'm still a little sad from before", she kept saying, which, whatever, Maria. Enough about her it's not her blog, ha! So I was lying down with Veronica and telling her what a fun week we had planned, I said how she'd be going to school tomorrow, only I said it skew-wool, like she does and she cut her eyes at me and said "I think you mean SKEW-WOOL, Mom". But in her mind, she doesn't think she's saying it strangely. I think she feels like we're making fun of her and I totally don't want to do that, I mean - I am laughing with her but not at her. But she is not laughing, so I have to remember not to do it.
She has a playdate on Friday, it's super exciting, old Veevsy with her friends on her own. She had her little ballet recital on Friday and she'll start again in two weeks. She is a sweet and cute ballerina. She's a sweet and cute everything.
4 weeks ago