Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Five Months

Oh, this crappy camera, combined with the dark dark day in our dark dark livingroom, sorry about the poor quality! I was thinking the other night, as I was nursing Veronica, it's great that she never really had a soft spot on her head. I am always kind of freaked out by those, and both Anthony and Maria had them. Then I was thinking What's So Great About Veronica? Like I am always (as you all know) very willing to say what's WRONG with these kids, so I thought I'd focus on what's so great about them. So, starting with Veronica, I'll say what's so great about her:

She's got no soft spot on her head
She is a very good nurser
She is just the right size for her age clothes
She has a very funny, sweet smile. Sometimes when I'm nursing her, she falls asleep and then she'll seem to wake up and smile at me, this gigantic smile, and it's magical, I swear. Also I think "oh noes!" because she's waking up, but she always snuggles in and goes to sleep
She is big and strong. She has been holding up her head forever, it seems, and wanting to stand up on her legs
She sleeps in the closet and never complains at all
She is gorgeous
She is not so grumpy anymore
She's my third and I'm the third
Her head is always really warm and on chilly mornings, when I hold her in my lap, she warms my chin and head
She loves to hold hands while she nurses, she is cuddly
She puts up with a lot from Anthony and Maria - cold ignoring from one, and way too much love from the other
She is our sweet little Veronica Lucy, we're so lucky to have her, and we look forward to one million more months with her
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww. This made me cry a little. Jerk! ;-) j/k, very sweet, I like her too. Now. Kidding again! Mostly. lmk