Monday, October 12, 2009


Hee. She cracks me up. She is upstairs right now, screaming away. I have been trying to get her down for her morning nap for like ... two weeks? She is having none of it. Maybe one out of ten days she'll go to sleep without screaming and screaming. It's very hard to listen to, but I know that I have to get her to go to sleep on her own. Last night she woke up yelling after I laid her down for the night for the first time in a long time. In short, she was sleeping well and now she is not sleeping so great. Kind of like Maria, which terrifies me.

Someone asked me how old I was the other night and I said 41. No, 40? I literally could not remember. I know it's old, though! I feel every second of it. I can't type anymore because Maria is pulling my fingers off the keyboard and this is taking me forever. Please, someone tell me again how much I'll miss these days! And how precious they are!
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1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh, these FACES she makes!