Maria has been really into dresses lately, so Veronica has too. She loves this dress and almost always requests it, it's just like Maria's favorite. They are both from Mike's friend Candie, she has given us a LOT of clothes. We had kind of a rough speech therapy this week. Veronica *left the room* a few times, with her arms folded, and gave us (Maria) the evil death stare from the foyer. She's mad and I don't blame her - she can't have even her own speech therapy to herself! I don't blame Maria, she is only three years old, what can she do? She talks a lot and Stacy is there to get SOMEONE to talk, so Maria does it. Anyways, I have been wracking my brain, trying to figure out what we can do, and I think Mike is going to take Maria with him when he takes Anthony to school and then drop her off at my parents' house. Then I'll either go get her or they can bring her back or something. Or maybe she can just stay there until the NEXT week. Ha!
I am hoping that once Veronica has some 'one on one' time, as the therapist calls it, maybe we'll see some progress. There is NO actual reason that she shouldn't be talking. She communicates better than - well, better than Anthony, she communicates just fine. I suppose it's selfish, I would just like TWO of my children to freaking talk to me. I know she can do it, she can say some words, she answers yes or no to questions, she - she makes herself abundantly clear, she just has to use English. So anyway. Hopefully it will start to go better now that she can have a whole hour of therapy to herself. Also, maybe once she is around kids her age, either she will start to talk more or maybe I will realize that it's not that unusual and we can both relax.
People ask me about who knows what about the baby coming. Maria is very clear about it, there is a baby, coming in October, in Mommy's belly but she can't see it yet, etc. I asked Veronica this morning if she knew there was going to be a new baby and she said, looking all innocent, "uh-uh", while shaking her head. So surprised! I said, oh, it will be great, you'll be such a good big sister! I know she will.
My goals for this summer, as far as V is concerned, are to move her to Maria's room and to her crib. To get her to talk a little more. To enjoy her little summer camp. To stay my sweet Veevsy Voo. See? She's got that last one down already, check!
6 years ago
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